How many stamps are needed for a large envelope?
If you’re sending a large envelope by mail, you’ll want to make sure you’ve purchased the proper amount of postage for it. Postage covers the weight of the letter, and a Forever stamp is the first ounce of the envelope’s weight. If your large envelope weighs more than an ounce, you will need more than one stamp for the USPS to accept it.
The number of stamps required for a large envelope depends on the weight of the envelope
As with most rules in the shipping and mailing industry, the number of stamps required for a large envelope depends on how many ounces everything inside the envelope weighs. Most large envelopes containing USPS-delivered documents weigh 1 ounce or less. Therefore, most Manila and large envelopes require only one Forever stamp to send.
That said, typically, a large envelope weighs more than an ounce. A letter covered by First-Class stamps can weigh up to three ounces, if your letter weighs more than one ounce, you will be charged “extra ounce” postage to cover each additional ounce, up to a total of three ounces. Instead of the full 58 cents, the stamps cost just 20 cents per ounce. If you want to see some examples of “extra ounce” postage, you can view these stamps on the USPS website. You can also purchase additional stamps for 5 cents or 10 cents each, but in our experience, if you need to pay an extra ounce, it is best to buy an additional ounce stamp.
Expert Tips: If your large envelope weighs 3 ounces, you can technically use three Forever stamps to cover the full postage too! You will pay a little more than you have to pay, but USPS will accept the letter without asking any questions.
Make sure your envelope is not a Poly Mailer
When filling envelopes with stamps, keep the following important things in mind: Make sure you are actually sending an envelope, and no A Poly Mail! USPS considers large envelopes (such as manila envelopes) to be “surface mail” and you can only purchase first class postage for surface mail. Poly mailers, on the other hand, are more 3D envelopes that USPS requires you to use a shipping service like First Class Package or Priority Mail.
The best way to determine if the USPS classifies your envelope as “flat” is to double-check its dimensions. In order for USPS to consider large envelopes as flat surfaces for mailing, your envelope dimensions must be:
- At least 5″ x 3.5″
- Up to 11.5” x 6.125”
- Not more than 1/4 inch thick
If your envelope meets these parameters, then you need to mail it, not post it!
Sending an envelope is different from sending a postcard
Another thing to keep in mind is that postage for manila envelopes (in percentage terms) is much more expensive than for postcards.postcard stamp only $0.40 Each, while the cost of a regular Forever First-Class stamp is $0.58.
Technically, you can use the Forever Stamp to send postcards because the fee is over $0.58…even though you pay $0.18 more. If this is important to you, then you can order postcard stamps directly from the USPS website, or you can buy some at your local post office.
On the other hand, if 18 cents doesn’t move the needle that much, you can carry a roll of Forever stamps with you and use them for all your mailing needs…whether you’re sending letters, Metro Manila envelopes, or postcards.