Aldi shopping cart (how to use + other tips and tricks)
The Aldi shopping cart process is very different from most other supermarkets you’ve visited, where waiters work in shifts to collect carts and bring them back to the store.
Aldi decided to do things differently, and while it might take some getting used to, it’s become another reason the grocery chain has been so successful. Let’s take a look at what Aldi’s shopping cart system looks like.
What is Aldi’s shopping cart system?
Aldi’s shopping cart system is a rental model. Shoppers pay 25 cents to use the cart and then get their deposit back when they return the cart. The design is part of Aldi’s overall cost-cutting business model and contributes to the discounted pricing of products in stores.
Not sure what to expect in store? Wondering how you can donate a quarter and get one back? Read on for all the details, plus some helpful tips to keep in mind the next time you shop.
Why is Aldi letting you rent your shopping cart?
“The 25 cent deposit ends up saving our customers money as we don’t have to hire extra staff to collect carts,” Per Aldi’s website reads.
Think about it: In most other grocery stores, you’ll see at least one dedicated employee managing the carts, collecting them, and pushing them back into the store, disgustingly.
We all know we can’t trust our fellow man to do the right thing and put the cart back every time!
How much does it cost to rent an Aldi shopping cart?
Rent an Aldi shopping cart for just 25 cents (or $1/$2 coins in Australia and £1 coins in the UK).
However, it must be in the form of a quarter because the trolley is equipped with a locking system in which the shape and size of the quarter acts as a key.
How do you use Aldi’s shopping cart system?
The shopping cart system is a bit intimidating at first, but you only need one trip to get the hang of it.
Trolleys are stored at the entrance near the door. Keep your quarters handy, and as you approach, keep an eye on the right side of the cart’s main handle. There’s a little gray box with a red front and a slit – that’s where you insert the quarter.
Push the quarter in (sometimes you have to snap it a little) and you should hear a click – the sound of the lock releasing.
That’s the device that plugs into the back of the gray box. Grab the red plastic part (on the chain) and pull it out. You’re unlocked and ready to shop!
Side Note: Here’s a quick 2 minute video that walks you through the process of picking up and returning a trolley at Aldi.
When you’re done checking out, unload the groceries onto the cart, return the cart, and push the cart back where it came from.
When your cart is being pushed into the other cart, push the red part back into the gray box on the cart handle and you should hear the click again, indicating it is locked in place. Your quarter should quit now.
What if you forgot your quarter at Aldi?
If you forgot your quarter at Aldi, you have a few options. You can (politely) ask other shoppers or employees if they have extra quarters.
Plus, Aldi seasonally sells “Quarter Keepers”—cute keychains that fit inside quarters, so you always have your quarters with you.
There is also a great Aldi hack where you use the back of the key to insert into the coin slot. Be sure to remove the keys, as it’s okay to lose a quarter, but the house keys might be a different story!
Finally, you can walk into the cart fence to see if anyone is unlocked. This happens a lot because people try to “go ahead and do good” when they get a free cart.
If you’re new to Aldi, you might also be interested in our guide on the best times to shop at Aldi, when it’s in stock and why it’s so cheap.
in conclusion
The shopping cart helps provide a unique grocery store experience, but more importantly, helps to buy everything you need for your refrigerator and pantry at super low prices.
Aldi knows that the extra work is worth it for those cheap grocery bills.