WiFi Statistics (23 Interesting Facts, Trends + Statistics)
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Almost everyone has WiFi these days, but do you know how popular WiFi is or want to know some interesting WiFi stats?
Well, I’ve been researching WiFi stats and found a lot of useful information, so read on for some cool WiFi facts and trends below!
WiFi Statistics 2022
Almost all businesses offer free WiFi to their customers because it will cause customers to spend more money in 2022. Additionally, there are more than 9 billion WiFi-enabled devices worldwide, including more than 600 million WiFi hotspots. There are many types of WiFi, Lithuania is the country with the fastest WiFi speed.
Are you looking for more WiFi stats or have other WiFi-related questions to answer? If so, read on as I’ll be going through the entire list and more!
1. 82% of people check their phone when shopping in-store
An interesting WiFi statistic is that 82% of people check their phones when shopping in-store, and most of the time check product reviews before purchasing a product.
Also, people like to check the price of an item before making a purchase to see if the price is lower in other brick-and-mortar stores or online, especially if it’s a higher value item.
2. 96% prefer businesses to offer free WiFi
Did you know that 96% of people would rather shop at a business that offers free WiFi than one that doesn’t?
Also, if a business doesn’t offer free WiFi, people are more likely to abandon the store and go to a location that offers free WiFi.
3. 60% of millennials cite free WiFi as the number one advantage of hotels
When it comes to hotels, millennials are more likely to stay in hotels if they offer free WiFi, which is the biggest benefit for 60% of millennials when choosing a place to stay.
4. 74% don’t care about offering free in-store WiFi
74% of Americans are reluctant to give their email address or phone number to a store when they get free WiFi in return, even if it means they receive a special offer.
5. Consumers spend more when free WiFi is provided
Did you know you’re more likely to spend money in stores that offer free WiFi?
Additionally, more than half of consumers feel confident making a higher-value purchase in a store that offers free WiFi compared to a store that doesn’t.
6. There are more than 9 billion WiFi devices worldwide
When we think of WiFi devices, we probably don’t think about how many WiFi devices there are in the world, but with over 9 billion WiFi devices worldwide, it’s crazy to think about it!
However, the number in 2017 was 9 billion, so the number is even higher now and will continue to grow over the next decade.
7. By 2023, there will be an estimated 628 million hotspots
Hotspots are becoming more common and we see them all over the world, with over 169 million available as of 2018.
Also, an exciting trend is that by 2023 there will be over 628 million hotspots worldwide!
8. WiFi is highly susceptible to interference
An interesting fact about WiFi is that it is very susceptible to interference because it uses radio waves, and interference can come in many forms, such as by:
- fish tank
- you
- bluetooth device
- Micro-wave oven
- other cell phones
- Smart TV
- Metal
- other obstacles
9. There is more than one type of WiFi
Did you know that there is more than one type of WiFi, with 802.11 being the oldest?
However, there are also 802.11b, 802.11a, 802.11g, 802.11ad, and 802.11ac, to name a few.
10. Fastest WiFi in Lithuania
Did you know that according to 2016 data, Lithuania has the fastest WiFi at 16.6 Mbps, and Singapore comes in second with 15.1 Mbps!
However, the US ranks much lower on the list, at 19, which shows how fast WiFi is in the rest of the world.
11. Free WiFi gives businesses a 72% success rate
If a business offers free WiFi to customers, it gives them a 72% success rate in terms of sales, and if you have a business, it’s one of the best marketing tools you can use.
12. 55% would trade, do or share free WiFi access
A 2017 survey found that more than 55% of respondents would exchange, do or share something while getting free WiFi.
Additionally, 34% said they would watch a three-minute free WiFi ad, while 8% said they would share personal information and 7% would provide their email address.
13. Water blocking WiFi signal
A fun fact about WiFi is that water is one of the top WiFi signal blockers, which means you are one of the biggest WiFi blockers because 75% of you is made of water.
However, metal can block WiFi signals better than water or wood, but try not to sit between your computer and your router, as water in your body will reduce your signal strength.
14. 43% choose restaurants with free WiFi
43% would choose a restaurant with free WiFi over one that doesn’t, again showing how important it is for businesses to provide free WiFi.
15. 75% of people are more grumpy after a week without WiFi than coffee
Want to know an interesting WiFi statistic that shows how reliant we are on technology? Over 75% of people are more grumpy without WiFi for a week than without coffee!
16. Hack an open WiFi network in less than 2 seconds
A big reason for not having an open WiFi signal is that it can take less than two seconds to attack an open WiFi network, be it an open home network or a business.
Therefore, it is wise to protect your WiFi network password to help prevent hackers or attackers from accessing your network.
17. 11% of hotel customers are willing to pay more for faster WiFi
As I’ve already touched on, WiFi is an important part of hotel stays, but an interesting trend is that 11% are willing to pay more for faster WiFi.
Also, we can assume this is largely because business people and women travel and stay in hotels and need fast WiFi for work-related tasks.
18. More mobile devices than people were used in 2013
An interesting fact about how much we love technology and WiFi is that there are more mobile devices on earth than people, and this happened in 2013!
19. The word WiFi comes from Hi-Fi
Did you know that WiFi is a word from Hi-Fi, meaning “high fidelity”, and it’s just a joke of the wording? Also, WiFi was invented by Interbrand.
20. The signal from WiFi is shaped like a doughnut
An interesting fact about WiFi is that the signal is shaped like a doughnut, which is an odd idea.
For example, the wireless coverage field is circular with a hole in the middle, similar to the shape of a doughnut.
21.71% of mobile communications are via WiFi
WiFi is critical to our daily lives, especially our mobile devices, as 71% of mobile device communication is done via WiFi.
Additionally, this shows the importance of businesses offering free WiFi to their customers, as mobile communications are so reliant on WiFi.
22. There are 150 million smart homes worldwide
Not only are people connected to technology when it comes to work and shopping, but smart homes are also growing in popularity, with more than 150 smart homes worldwide.
As such, WiFi is only going to grow in importance, and the more WiFi that exists, the more smart homes will appear around the world in the next few years.
23. WiFi routers can usually connect more than 250 devices
Did you know that a WiFi router can connect more than 250 devices at a time? However, just because there are so many devices to connect doesn’t mean they all should.
For example, if you connect so many devices to one WiFi router, many of them may have poor signal and a less reliable connection.
How many WiFi devices will there be in the world in 2021?
It is estimated that there will be more than 22.2 billion WiFi devices in the world by 2021, and this number will only continue to grow as the WiFi trend continues.
What is a strong WiFi signal?
A strong or excellent WiFi signal is around -50 dBm, -60 dBm is considered a good signal, -67 dBm is just a reliable signal strength.
To learn more, you can also read our posts on Does Starbucks Have WiFi, Burger King Has WiFi, and Tim Hortons Has WiFi.
in conclusion
There are a lot of WIFI stats that I found interesting, like 96% of people prefer businesses that offer free WiFi, and WiFi is the most important thing when booking a hotel.
Additionally, there are more than 9 billion WiFi devices worldwide, and thanks to WiFi capabilities, more than 150 million smart homes can now be found around the world.
However, WiFi interference is common, and smart TVs, water, metal, and even your body can interfere with your WiFi signal quality.