Are Hermes Evelyne bags discontinued? (find out!)
If you are interested in luxury designer handbags, then bags from Hermes Evelyne are definitely one of the must-haves on your shopping list. Only four sizes are available. It’s casual, has a stylish touch, is lightweight, has sturdy shoulder straps, and some don’t have pockets.
Hermès is the top brand in designer clothing. Taking a bag from the company and retailing it at a lower price is a fight. If you haven’t bought this bag yet, you may be wondering why this bag is missing from some of their stores. Are Hermes Evelyn bags discontinued?
Hermes Evelyne bags discontinued?
Hermès discontinued the Evelyne designer bag in 2019. Don’t worry; when it comes to bags, Hermès bags are iconic and they’ve been known to keep releasing new, amazing products for their customers.
We want manufacturers to develop a designer bag that goes beyond the popular and discontinued Evelyne bag. Word has it that you can still find these bags at their main store.
Well, if you’re lucky, you can get one from an online store. While you can still buy secondhand from collectors, they can still buy secondhand online, even though the online marketplace is full of replica Hermes Evelyne bags.
Where to buy Hermès Evelyn bags?
One of the places where you can get Hermes, Evelyn bags and other options at their store. They have stores all over the world including France, the US and Canada.
You can buy directly from the store or order online. We can find these bags in online stores like Amazon.
We advise buyers to be careful not to buy imitations. Look for the Hermès seal inside for verification.
What are the dimensions of the Hermès Evelyn bag?
We found this luxurious designer bag available in four sizes. They include;
- Mini (TPM) – 16 cm
- Medium (afternoon) 29 cm
- Large (GM) – 33cm
- Extra Large (TGM) 40 cm
Pick your bag according to your fit size. Size aside, these bags come in different colors to complement your outfit, like confetti pink, blue jeans, and navy blue. Medium (29cm) bag commonly found in most stores.
How many generations does the Hermès Evelyn bag have?
The manufacturer has produced three generations of Hermes Evelyne bags. Each generation of concurrency is an improvement over previous generations.
For example, the first generation bag had no external pocket, the second generation contained one, and the third generation added an adjustable strap to the bag.
These bags are perfect when you plan to carry a few items for a quick errand, travel or some outdoor activities like sightseeing.
What other bags does Hermès have?
The brand has produced more than 80 designer bags. As we said, keep an eye out for new releases.
We’ve compiled a list of some of the best, like Birkin, Kelly Cut. Kelly, Medor, Mini Kelly Pochette, Jige Jypsiere, Haute A Courroires and more.
What’s trending with Hermès bags?
Hermès has a lot of exquisite bags, but the icing on the cake is the Birkin. This bag is available in different fabrics, colors and sizes.
With this type of options available, it’s clear why this bag is the most popular.
It’s elegant, stylish and comfortable. Birkin is a must-have for your evenings, weddings, noble parties and any other occasion that calls for it.
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in conclusion
Hermès is a French design store known for its iconic bags. The company makes very expensive high-end products.
If you’re a designer fanatic looking to be casual yet stay on top, the Hermès Evelyne bag might be the way to go.
Even if the bag is discontinued, other similar products will appear soon to replace them. Once you walk into the store, be sure to get the perfect bag.