How to cancel a DoorDash order as a driver (easy!)
Sometimes you take a DoorDash order and realize you can’t or don’t want to fulfill it. This is fine and happens often and quietly.
But, as a driver, how exactly do you cancel a DoorDash order? Very quiet and easy…
How to cancel a DoorDash order as a driver
It’s easy to cancel or cancel your own order on DoorDash.
Using the DoorDash Driver app, follow these steps to cancel your order:
For Android Dashers:
- click ? Button in the upper right corner of the Dasher app
- under Pick uptap Unassign this delivery
- Select the reason for unassigning the delivery
For Dashers with iOS:
- click help Button in the upper right corner of the Dasher app
- choose Can’t make this order?
- Select the reason for unassigning the delivery
- click submit request/submit
- click continue Confirm Unassignment
You cannot unassign from an order if you have marked it as “Pickup”.
Can you cancel a DoorDash order as a driver?
Yes, you can cancel a DoorDash order as a driver as long as you haven’t marked it as “pick-up.”
If you accept the order, you can cancel it at any time before then. After receiving the order, you must deliver it. Unfortunately, even if you have an emergency, the app won’t let you cancel or return your food to the restaurant to be delivered by another Dasher.
Will DoorDash cancel my order if it takes too long?
DoorDash will not cancel the order if it takes too long, but the customer can.
DoorDash customers can cancel their order at any time for a full or partial refund. Customers have the right to cancel if the restaurant or dasher takes too long to prepare and deliver the order.
However, if you as the driver are stuck in traffic or delayed, DoorDash will not cancel on their behalf. You can also communicate with your customers to let them know about your frustrations so they don’t accidentally cancel.
How do I get a higher paying DoorDash order?
There are several ways to ensure you get the highest-paying DoorDash order.
An easy way to do this is to book a dash in advance. Many of the best hotspots are filled with Dashers and grayed out on the map.
If you pre-book your dash, you won’t miss out on these high-paying orders.
Another quick tip is to know what types of deliveries to avoid. Avoid orders that offer low base pay from the start, unless there really aren’t any other orders coming in. Stick to the $7-10 base pay order.
If you’re willing to take lower orders, aim for a base salary of $2 per mile to make it value for money.
Also avoid orders away from hot spots. Even if the order is $10 base salary, it’s not worth the time you spend both ways.
Want to learn more about DoorDash? Read these articles to learn how to use DoorDash for the first time without a red card and what a DoorDash red card is.
in conclusion
You can cancel or unassign your own order at any time before marking it as Picked Up. The process is fairly simple and doesn’t affect you as a Dasher.
Regardless of your reason, whether you can’t fulfill your order, or you just don’t want to accept a low price order, you can cancel your order with no repercussions.