Home Depot Dress Code 2022 (tattoos, hair, bottoms, tops, shoes)
As of 2021, The Home Depot has more than 500,000 employees, making it the world’s largest home improvement retailer. Many current and former employees report that Home Depot is a conducive work environment.
Home Depot doesn’t seem to have a strict dress code, emphasizing performance and attitude over appearance. That said, you can’t just wear whatever you want to work for, because you still represent a billion-dollar company.
So what exactly is Home Depot’s dress code?
Home Depot Dress Code – Overall Appearance
All employees should wear collared shirts, jeans, Home Depot aprons or shorts (not shorter than 4 inches above the knee). Employees may also dye their hair, get tattoos and piercings, provided they are not obscene, offensive or a safety risk.
We’re going to detail Home Depot’s dress code, but it’s Business casual, or even baseline casual.
Employees must ensure that their attire is neat and well-kept, without any holes or damage. Employees are also encouraged to wear comfortable, colorful clothing while maintaining a professional image.
Since Home Depot’s dress code is fairly casual, you may notice some employees wearing T-shirts. It depends on their position in the company and the judgment of your store supervisor.
On your first day, we recommend that you wear the orange uniform provided by Home Depot. You can never go wrong with corporate clothing!
maximum amount
Employees must wear collared shirts, button-down shirts, or shirts with at least half a sleeve. In cold weather, they can also wear a jumper or sweatshirt. As with all work wear, make sure your top is wrinkle-free and neat – you want to make a good impression on your customers.
You may not wear sleeveless clothing, shirts or vests with large logos. Salespeople can’t wear T-shirts either, but those who don’t do customer-facing work seem to do so a lot. To be sure, wear a collared shirt for your first week, then consult your supervisor about it.
You can wear jeans, khakis, skirts, and shorts as long as they are no more than 4 inches above the knee. Employees cannot wear sweatpants, yoga pants, tights, or anything with holes or stains.
face and hair
Home Depot’s dress code is fairly loose, emphasizing workplace safety rather than micromanaging employees’ hair. The face should be neat and the long hair should be tied up to avoid work-related accidents. All hair colors are acceptable as long as the dye or hair is out of the way.
All employees must wear Home Depot aprons at work. Orange aprons are Home Depot’s trademark symbol, so employees must keep them clean and in good condition.
Unless at work, no staff member is allowed to wear an apron off-site, even for cleaning purposes. Plus, you can embellish the apron with company badges, pins, and other creative artwork for a personal touch.
You can wear a hat as long as it has the Home Depot logo on it. You can and should wear safety gear when necessary. Of course, headscarves for religious purposes are also permitted.
For safety reasons, all employees working on the floor must wear open-toed shoes. So, don’t wear flip-flops, sandals, flip flops or other open-toed shoes.
The body art
The Home Depot allows its employees to have visible tattoos and any form of body art. However, they cannot indicate any political, religious, racial or offensive information.
Dress code not allowed
In general, The Home Depot does not allow employees to wear the following items:
- – Tight shirts and pants
- – Clothing with other brand logos
- – sweatpants and shorts
- – Sleeveless shirts such as vests
- – any open-toed shoes
- – Clothing that promotes political, religious or personal beliefs
Home Depot also prohibits employees from displaying “cause or political messages that are not related to workplace affairs” on any clothing, according to The New York Times. In 2021, Home Depot threatened to release an employee for wearing a slogan in support of the Black Lives Matter movement on his apron.
While Home Depot does take a public stance on social justice topics, its dress code keeps itself away from politics. Regardless of your position on the issue, The Home Depot is clear: Employees cannot wear clothing with logos or slogans that have nothing to do with them.
Commodity Executive Team
You may have noticed some Home Depot employees walking around wearing orange collared shirts. These employees are part of a team of commodity specialists, a group of specialists responsible for bay and aisle level maintenance.
All merchandise execution employees are required to wear the uniform provided as this helps them stand out from other workers.
in conclusion
Overall, Home Depot’s dress code is loose, allowing employees to wear any smart casual attire. Comfortable jeans, open-toed shoes, and a collared shirt or shirt are highly recommended as working at Home Depot involves a lot of walking.
If you’d like to learn more about other retailers’ dress codes, you might be interested in the following articles:
– What is the Amazon Dress Code?
– Can I wear whatever I want?
How was your experience working at Home Depot? Let us know in the comments below!